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ინფორმაციისთვის დაგვიკავშირდით

Day Tour Plan


Visiting Ananuri fortress

Ananuri ensemble, dating back to 17th century, is situated on the left bank of the Aragvi River, along the famous original Georgian military highway, 66km from Tbilisi. It incorporates a circuit wall with turrets, a porch, a large church, a minor Church of Gvtaeba (Divinity), a tower with a stepped pyramidal roof of Svanetian type, a single-nave Church Mkurnali (Healer), Tower Sheupovari (Indomitable), a bell-tower, a spring and a reservoir. The facade is richly adorned with the fine relief carvings featuring human, animal and floral images.


Sightseeing Gudauri Ski Resort

Transfer to Kazbegi/ lunch in a Guest House (traditional food)

Visiting Kazbegi and sightseeing: Gergeti Trinity Church

The complex of Gergeti Trinity church, beautifully situated on the top of the hill nearby the township of Kazbegi, overlooking the area, is the main chapel of the Khevi region. The bell-tower standing nearby is contemporary with the cross-domed Church of the Mother of God and creates a uniform complex together with it. Its impressive location, set before the stunning backdrop of the snow capped, 5033m high Mt. Kazbek (Mkinvartsveri), makes it a unique place to experience.

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